The construction, maintenance, and operation of California’s highway, bridge, and transit infrastructure is a major economic driver that will support an average of $200 billion in annual economic output, earnings, tax revenue, and user benefits over the next decade.

The dollars invested in our transit and road networks create positive impacts across all economic sectors by creating long-term benefits for a healthier and productive California; improving safety and travel time for drivers, transit riders and commerce; and improving air quality in the Sacramento basin.


How does this investment impact the broader economy? Highway, street, bridge, and transit contractors purchase inputs (such as materials) from California businesses, in addition to other firms outside of the state, as they complete work on projects. Transit agencies, local governments, and state authorities purchase goods and services to support the operation of the system. These suppliers then purchase items from other firms, creating an indirect effect.

The employees of the construction firms, public agencies, and supplier industries spend their earnings by purchasing clothing, food, and other goods and services, thereby creating induced demand in other sectors of the state economy. As jobs are created or sustained, employees receive additional income and spend more, and businesses increase sales. Subsequently, taxes grow due to larger payroll and sales volumes, providing the state and local municipalities with additional revenues to reinvest in California.

Highway, street, bridge, and transit investment in Sacramento County will support $4.4 billion in annual economic output and user benefits over the next decade, including:

  • $2.3 billion in business sales, which supports 13,767 jobs.
  • $620.9 million in wages, which is included as part of the $1.2 million added to the state’s Gross State Product (GSP), measuring total economic output.
  • Individuals and businesses contribute $482.1 million in federal, state, and local tax revenue.
  • Transit riders and drivers save an additional $1.1 billion/year due to improvements to the system.


95% less carbon dioxide
92% fewer volatile organic compounds
45% less carbon dioxide
48% less nitrogen oxide

Investments in Sacramento’s infrastructure benefits our economy, lowers business costs, increases competitiveness and productivity, reduces unemployment, and lowers carbon emissions.

New or expanded investments in public transportation can improve health and health equity by reducing traffic crashes and air pollution, increasing physical activity, and improving access to medical care, healthy food, vital services, employment, and social connection.

According to the Sacramento Regional Transit District, annual ridership has steadily increased on both the bus and light rail systems from 14 million passengers in 1987 to over 26.4 million passengers in FY 2015. Weekday light rail ridership averages approximately 47,000 passengers per day. Bus weekday ridership has reached an average of approximately 50,000 passengers per day.

By implementing a more reliable and user-friendly transit system, the Sacramento region can drastically improve the air quality. When compared to single occupancy vehicles, public transportation produces 95% less carbon dioxide, 92% fewer volatile organic compounds, 45% less carbon dioxide, and 48% less nitrogen oxide. The quality of our air affects the entire region. Even those who will never take the bus will benefit from the cleaner air associated with higher public transportation ridership.